Tag: Health

Military medical center in Odintsovo will open April 25

Military medical center in Odintsovo will open April 25

Deputy defense Minister Timur Ivanov inspected the construction of the medical center in Odintsovo. Under the building of the hospital, which can accommodate 100 patients, the Foundation already poured and there is mounting designs
The Ministry of health spoke about the six rules of self-isolation

The Ministry of health spoke about the six rules of self-isolation

Self-isolation will help people to defend against the coronavirus, but could harm the health due prolonged forced sedentary lifestyle. Deputy Minister of health Oleg Salagai told how to reduce the negative effects of stay at home
COVID-19: the main thing Now is to keep themselves and each other

COVID-19: the main thing Now is to keep themselves and each other

High alert against the coronavirus, at least for a time, but radically changes our life, it complicates it. Not all and not immediately realize it. In Nizhny Novgorod held a court for the involuntary admission of
The Russians support physicians who are struggling with pandemic coronavirus

The Russians support physicians who are struggling with pandemic coronavirus

Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities come together to thank and support the doctors who are currently fighting the epidemic COVID-19. Read more about this in the article "WG"
For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29 signed a decree that the capital is entered home quarantine for all. Citizens are forbidden to leave the place of residence, except for certain cases
The mayor reminded the residents about the importance of observing the distance

The mayor reminded the residents about the importance of observing the distance

In Moscow was closed 14.9 thousand public catering enterprises and over 40 thousand stores. "In General, the mechanism of social distancing began to work", - summed up the first days the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and urged all to take care of yourself and stay home
Apartment tenants on quarantine coronavirus drown in garbage

Apartment tenants on quarantine coronavirus drown in garbage

The garbage was a big problem for the correspondent "RG" that is quarantined by the coronavirus. If not relatives and friends, would not have helped even ecoconception Zero waste. But not everyone is so lucky
Animal feed is included in the list of commodities

Animal feed is included in the list of commodities

Food and medicine for animals entered the Cabinet approved the list of commodities. Pets do not pose a threat to people in connection with the distribution of COVID-19, but it is important to observe the rules of hygiene after the walk, experts say
The Ministry of health spoke about the impact of climate and alcohol on coronavirus

The Ministry of health spoke about the impact of climate and alcohol on coronavirus

The Minister of health of Michael Murashko urged Russians to behave responsibly and to refrain from visiting public places. He also spoke about the influence of climate, Russian baths and alcohol on coronavirus
Cancer patients at risk of severe COVID-19

Cancer patients at risk of severe COVID-19

Oncologists from different countries share experiences on how to conduct cancer patients in the context of the epidemic COVID-19. These patients are more susceptible to infections due to systemic immunosuppressive condition

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