Tag: government
In the state Duma told the difference between quarantine, violation of which is expected to severely punish, from isolation, which entered first in Moscow and then in other regions. Fines for violations in isolation suggested a softer
The Ministry of Finance announced that the tax will not apply to interest earned on deposits in the year 2020, it will be levied on all interest income on deposits total in excess of $ 1 million. So, when the income of 72.5 thousand rubles, the tax would have amounted to only 1.6 thousand rubles
In Russia 1250 drawn up protocols on administrative offences in respect of nationals who committed violations of the law which violated the prescribed isolation mode. This was told in the interior Ministry of Russia. For leaving the premises violators are attracted to three compounds Cao
They held a traditional meeting of the President with members of the government, but in a new format remote. It Michael Mishustin has told about what measures have been taken to support citizens and businesses, which will be approved in the future
Vladimir Putin noted the importance of agriculture in the context of pandemic coronavirus worked virtually continuously. When there's bread then there's the inner confidence, the President said