Tag: economy

The heads of the Jewish organizations and public figures recorded over the campaign #Peshelan

The heads of the Jewish organizations and public figures recorded over the campaign #Peshelan

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The heads of the Jewish organizations and public figures recorded over the campaign #Peshelan
The head of the anti-plague Institute told Putin, when will the result of restrictions on coronavirus

The head of the anti-plague Institute told Putin, when will the result of restrictions...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The head of the anti-plague Institute told Putin, when will the result of restrictions on coronavirus
In developed countries officially registered for no more than 15% of cases infected with coronavirus

In developed countries officially registered for no more than 15% of cases infected with...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In developed countries officially registered for no more than 15% of cases infected with coronavirus
The FAS has proposed to increase gas prices for population by 3%

The FAS has proposed to increase gas prices for population by 3%

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The FAS has proposed to increase gas prices for population by 3%
Chinese authorities allowed the departure from Wuhan, 11 weeks isolated

Chinese authorities allowed the departure from Wuhan, 11 weeks isolated

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Chinese authorities allowed the departure from Wuhan, 11 weeks isolated
The constitutional court explained the norm of the law on information of a material nature

The constitutional court explained the norm of the law on information of a material...

The constitutional court of the Russian Federation imposed the duty to demand a Declaration of income of civil servants in personnel services. The dismissal of an employee for failure to provide such information prior to employment, if he has already been appointed to a position excluded
Told Russians who want to be retrained during a pandemic coronavirus

Told Russians who want to be retrained during a pandemic coronavirus

One of the consequences of the outbreak of the emergency vacation was an increased interest in retraining and obtaining additional education. To obtain additional knowledge ready 24% of respondents
The organizers 249 UFC found a replacement for Habib and hold a tournament on a private island

The organizers 249 UFC found a replacement for Habib and hold a tournament on...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The organizers 249 UFC found a replacement for Habib and hold a tournament on a private island
Putin signed a decree on monthly payments to families with children up to 3 years in April - June

Putin signed a decree on monthly payments to families with children up to 3...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Putin signed a decree on monthly payments to families with children up to 3 years in April - June
Upcoming night, to witness the largest moon in 2020

Upcoming night, to witness the largest moon in 2020

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Upcoming night, to witness the largest moon in 2020

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North Texas UIL Boys Basketball State Championship Team List

Excitement is in the air as the UIL Boys Basketball State Championship draws near at the Alamodome in San Antonio. Teams from across Texas,...

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