Tag: Economics

After a severe case of the coronavirus to return to the sport almost impossible, warn doctors

After a severe case of the coronavirus to return to the sport almost impossible,...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. After a severe case of the coronavirus to return to the sport almost impossible, warn doctors
Russia introduces fines of up to one million rubles for violators of quarantine measures of the regime of self-isolation

Russia introduces fines of up to one million rubles for violators of quarantine measures...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Russia introduces fines of up to one million rubles for violators of quarantine measures of the regime of self-isolation
Anfisa Reztsova: quarantine not met, go to guest, what should we be?

Anfisa Reztsova: quarantine not met, go to guest, what should we be?

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Anfisa Reztsova: quarantine not met, go to guest, what should we be?
The government has updated the list of essential goods, removing him from multiple positions

The government has updated the list of essential goods, removing him from multiple positions

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The government has updated the list of essential goods, removing him from multiple positions
As anti-crisis package in the USA will affect Russia

As anti-crisis package in the USA will affect Russia

The package of measures passed by the U.S. Congress to support the American economy, can have a positive impact on the Russian economy. According to experts, the impact will be indirect but can restore oil prices to $ 35 per barrel
Researchers found the temperature highest and lowest survivability of coronavirus

Researchers found the temperature highest and lowest survivability of coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Researchers found the temperature highest and lowest survivability of coronavirus
In Kommunarka died two elderly patients, one with suspected coronavirus

In Kommunarka died two elderly patients, one with suspected coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Kommunarka died two elderly patients, one with suspected coronavirus
To what value will reach the ruble in the coming days

To what value will reach the ruble in the coming days

Markets trying to find the depth befell the world economy problems. Negative on global platforms, reinforced by the decline in oil prices and the pandemic coronavirus, inevitably affects the well-being of the ruble
Russia has canceled 70 percent of summer events

Russia has canceled 70 percent of summer events

About 70 percent of the events, which were to organize and hold the event industry this summer, has been cancelled due to coronavirus. While the question about aid to the industry being addressed, the industry will reconfigure the work to the online format
The Bank of Russia announced new measures to support citizens and companies

The Bank of Russia announced new measures to support citizens and companies

The Central Bank made a second and more ambitious anti-crisis package of measures. It allowed banks to 30 September not to create reserves in the restructuring of loans to individuals and significantly expanded the list of victims of the pandemic industries that can be applied concessional restructuring

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Texas Senate Pushes for More Small Starter Homes in New Neighborhoods

Texas Senate Bill Aims to Increase Affordable Housing AvailabilityIn a bid to address the housing affordability crisis in Texas, the state Senate introduced Senate...

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