Tag: Demographics
Spotlight on Texas’ Rural Population Shifts: Exploring Ghost Towns in Texas (80 characters)
Spotlight on Texas' Rural Population Shifts: Exploring Ghost Towns in TexasPolitical upheaval in South Korea rattles Texas’ Korean communityLate Tuesday, President Yoon Suk Yeol...
Texas Rural Counties Struggle with Uneven Population Growth, Leading to Ghost Towns
Title: Texas Rural Counties Struggle with Uneven Population Growth, Leading to Ghost TownsGOMEZ — The railroad changed everything. Long before the open plains were...
Ted Cruz’s Underperformance in Texas’ Southern Border During Reelection
Republican Ted Cruz secured his third term in the U.S. Senate by winning the election against Congressman Colin Allred. Cruz garnered nearly 6 million...
Republican Success in Flipping Rio Grande Valley
Texas Republicans celebrated a significant victory in flipping the Rio Grande Valley during the recent election. Former President Donald Trump's win in Texas was...