Tag: culture

New reality - new stories: who released the children of the world a book about the coronavirus

New reality – new stories: who released the children of the world a book...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. New reality - new stories: who released the children of the world a book about the coronavirus
Anna Tsukanova-Cott in the Festival of mobile cinema has participated as Director and housewife

Anna Tsukanova-Cott in the Festival of mobile cinema has participated as Director and housewife

International festival of mobile cinema is being held in Russia for the second time in the year when the mobile phone was 47 years old. The event organizers decided not to cancel in a pandemic, and to carry out all in online.
"Bi-2" and Imagine Dragons: the astronauts built the list of favorite songs

“Bi-2” and Imagine Dragons: the astronauts built the list of favorite songs

On April 12 the world celebrates the cosmonautics Day. On this auspicious day the Explorer, "RG" talks about what kind of music listen to our astronauts in orbit
Tikhonov, speaking about the new head coach of the national team of Russia in biathlon, offered to return Yeltsin

Tikhonov, speaking about the new head coach of the national team of Russia in...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Tikhonov, speaking about the new head coach of the national team of Russia in biathlon, offered to return Yeltsin
The Ministry of health allowed doctors to diagnose COVID-19 without PCR tests because they in 30% of cases give false negative results

The Ministry of health allowed doctors to diagnose COVID-19 without PCR tests because they...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The Ministry of health allowed doctors to diagnose COVID-19 without PCR tests because they in 30% of cases give false negative results
In Ukraine, the police found the culprit of the fire in the Chernobyl zone

In Ukraine, the police found the culprit of the fire in the Chernobyl zone

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Ukraine, the police found the culprit of the fire in the Chernobyl zone
Yury Grymov has opposed online performances

Yury Grymov has opposed online performances

The issue of withdrawal from the moral and financial crisis after the quarantine, the viability of online shows and reduced ticket prices discussed creative Director and Director of state theatres. Of course, online.
In Moscow journalist covering the conflict for citizens and officials who made the Protocol on violation of a distance of 1.5 m

In Moscow journalist covering the conflict for citizens and officials who made the Protocol...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Moscow journalist covering the conflict for citizens and officials who made the Protocol on violation of a distance of 1.5 m
"Soyuz MS-16" with the Russian-American crew docked with the ISS

“Soyuz MS-16” with the Russian-American crew docked with the ISS

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. "Soyuz MS-16" with the Russian-American crew docked with the ISS
Under the rubble after the fire and riot at the Angarsk colony found the body of a prisoner

Under the rubble after the fire and riot at the Angarsk colony found the...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Under the rubble after the fire and riot at the Angarsk colony found the body of a prisoner

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Texas Senate Pushes for More Small Starter Homes in New Neighborhoods

Texas Senate Bill Aims to Increase Affordable Housing AvailabilityIn a bid to address the housing affordability crisis in Texas, the state Senate introduced Senate...

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