Tag: Central Federal district

Can school a stress test on remote

Can school a stress test on remote

About 95% of Russian schools have switched to distance learning, reported in the Ministry of education. This is a General figure, but in reality each school has its own situation and the problems that arose with the transition to udalenku. Survive school the stress test, understood the correspondent "RG"
The meteorologist warned of a sudden drop in temperature and snow storms

The meteorologist warned of a sudden drop in temperature and snow storms

Changeable weather expected this week in almost all regions of Russia. Warming will be replaced by a sharp cold. On the North of the Krasnoyarsk region - Blizzard, and in the South is warmer than in the Crimea
New laws reduced paid Parking and gave the cottagers a holiday

New laws reduced paid Parking and gave the cottagers a holiday

In the regions in April continue to enter into force the laws, not only related to the pandemic coronavirus infection. They create the conditions for future economic development, introduce new benefits and even holidays
The Ministry of construction called the most convenient ways to pay utility bills

The Ministry of construction called the most convenient ways to pay utility bills

To go out for payment ZHKU in cash is not worth it. Moreover, many Bank branches, settlement centres and cash management companies now on the weekends
Employees of the Russian nuclear power plant was transferred to the "barracks"

Employees of the Russian nuclear power plant was transferred to the “barracks”

Until the end of the pandemic COVID-19 for employees of the NPP introduced a special environment. Some time they will spend in isolation in the departmental dispensaries. "RG" visited one of these resorts
The business refused to profit at the time of the epidemic of the coronavirus

The business refused to profit at the time of the epidemic of the coronavirus

Business - from large to the very small started to help people and authorities to cope with the coronavirus. And not only Russian companies but also foreign investors who operate in our country
In terms of coronavirus is the construction of the Rzhev memorial

In terms of coronavirus is the construction of the Rzhev memorial

Even in the face of a pandemic coronavirus at the site in the Tver region do not stop work on the construction of the memorial to Soviet soldiers. What is happening at the construction site - "Union" said the sculptor Andrey Korobtsov
Medical masks have become an indicator of personality

Medical masks have become an indicator of personality

Protective mask today is not only the guarantee of health and even of life, but also the indicator of humanity. Someone drives up their prices. And someone sews for their money and hands them out for free
Why did the police chief withdraw from criminal liability

Why did the police chief withdraw from criminal liability

The chief of police in the Vladimir region near the bar beat the man. The incident was filmed on camera phones, and video hit the net. Despite the scandal and publicity in a criminal case the victim refused
The Prosecutor General's office revealed in the fakes about the coronavirus

The Prosecutor General’s office revealed in the fakes about the coronavirus

The Prosecutor General's office has sent another requirement in Roskomnadzor about blocking in a Network of fake news about the coronavirus. False information was discovered in the five regions

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