Tag: Branches of the WG

To work and to the country: answers to the most common questions about digital badges

To work and to the country: answers to the most common questions about digital...

From 15 April for a trip to Moscow and the Moscow region must have a digital pass. He needed and the man who travels by private car, and to those who use public transport. The answers to the main questions of readers of "RG" in our material
A day in Russia added 2774 cases COVID-19 in 51 regions

A day in Russia added 2774 cases COVID-19 in 51 regions

A day in Russia revealed 2774 cases of coronavirus infection in 51 regions. These data are reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control over the situation with coronavirus
Online lessons for students were replaced by television

Online lessons for students were replaced by television

Younger students training on the Internet is given a difficult to a computer until they own bad. Therefore, in Nenets Autonomous Okrug decided to transplant them from laptops to TVs. TV tutorials are practicing in other regions
In the UK reported the seizure of fakes about coronavirus in the regions

In the UK reported the seizure of fakes about coronavirus in the regions

In several regions of the country, the investigators of SK of the Russian Federation revealed the fake allegations of the extraordinary prevalence of coronavirus and a large number of deaths. Spread this information the authors brought to justice
Can school a stress test on remote

Can school a stress test on remote

About 95% of Russian schools have switched to distance learning, reported in the Ministry of education. This is a General figure, but in reality each school has its own situation and the problems that arose with the transition to udalenku. Survive school the stress test, understood the correspondent "RG"
The meteorologist warned of a sudden drop in temperature and snow storms

The meteorologist warned of a sudden drop in temperature and snow storms

Changeable weather expected this week in almost all regions of Russia. Warming will be replaced by a sharp cold. On the North of the Krasnoyarsk region - Blizzard, and in the South is warmer than in the Crimea
Fight the traffic jams continued and in isolation

Fight the traffic jams continued and in isolation

The correspondent "RG" learned how to build bridges during a pandemic. Because this work cannot be stopped even in the period of complete isolation. Residents of the regions new bridges will be free from congestion
George Kostiuk: Viruses may be the trigger of many diseases

George Kostiuk: Viruses may be the trigger of many diseases

In terms of isolation exacerbated the problems that already exist in the family, said the chief psychiatrist of Moscow George Kostiuk. How to cope with stress in the four walls and to protect loved ones from nervous breakdowns, he said in an interview with "RG"
Export flights a day back in Russia about 500 people

Export flights a day back in Russia about 500 people

Export daily flights to Moscow brought no more than 500 people, and in airports located in other regions - not more than 200. This is due to the fact that everyone needs to pay much attention: all passengers pass the examination, and then go to the quarantine
As volunteers and entrepreneurs to help people move to self-isolation

As volunteers and entrepreneurs to help people move to self-isolation

Across Russia there is a work project volunteers #Myvote. Pensioners who find themselves in isolation at the time of the threat COVID-19, volunteers help with the purchase and delivery of food and medicine. In their ranks were joined by the St Petersburg correspondent "RG"

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North Texas school transitions to 4-day week: What to expect

Treetops School International, a charter school in Euless, made a groundbreaking announcement this week that is sure to shake up the traditional school week...

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