Tag: Around football

Vice-President of FIFA Victor Montellano believes that the coronavirus pandemic could have a serious impact on the calendar of the international break. According to him, quickly resume the matches will fail. The main problem will be international travel
The international football Federation has published the latest edition of the ranking teams. As expected, on the background of the situation with the coronavirus situation in almost all teams remained the same as a month ago
The doctor of Russian national team on football Eduard Bezuglov gave an interview to "RG-Week". In it he, in particular, spoke about how the ordinary people to keep themselves in shape in conditions of isolation, and also expressed his opinion on the pandemic coronavirus
The Russian forward Spanish "salty" Fedor Smolov stated that he agreed with the club's departure to Russia. "The situation demanded my return to Russia to be closer to my family," wrote Smolov

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Texas Republicans Push for Voter Citizenship Proof: Lessons from Arizona

Texas Republicans Push for Voter Citizenship Proof: Lessons from ArizonaTexas Republicans are spearheading a significant effort to pass legislation mandating that Texans provide proof...

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