Hiking enthusiasts may already know them: the so-called tactical food packs. But the meals are not only suitable as hiking food – they can also be used as emergency rations.
So-called “trekking food” is often used on longer tours or hikes. It is intended to supply the body with energy and is therefore often enriched with fats, carbohydrates and proteins. After preparation, the rations are shock-frozen.
The food packs are now available in a wide variety of flavors: main meals (with fish and meat or vegetarian and vegan), desserts and snacks for in between.
Compared to the well-known tin can, trekking food offers advantages. The packs are significantly lighter and also easier to store (e.g. by folding the packs) – important factors on a longer hike. A big plus of the trekking food is its long shelf life: the packs can often be kept for several years. However, there are differences between the manufacturers that need to be considered. Longer-lasting rations can, however, be stored as emergency rations if necessary. For real emergencies, please note the recommendations of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.
However, the disadvantage of the rations is that they have to be prepared with hot or boiling water, similar to instant food. This is not the case with many cans and should be kept in mind when hiking.
In the table below we have listed some trekking products for you.
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Comparison instead of test: What’s the difference?
For this comparison, a specialist editor from our partner CHIP.de examined test reports from other publications as well as the most popular offers (“best sellers”) and customer opinions from online retailers. Based on this, the product selection was made. For the selection of the top devices, models with more than four stars and a reasonably high number of ratings come into question. A selection of customer reviews was read and devices were selected that, based on the professional assessment, meet the needs of the users. The products have not been tested in the CHIP test center.
All products that the CHIP test center had in the laboratory can be found in this list of the best. Products that have also been tested by our other cooperation partners can be found in the test