From 2023 comes the new citizens’ income. While the government is celebrating the project, there is a lot of criticism. It is still not enough for social organizations, the Union fears that work is no longer worthwhile. How are they thinking?

From January, the new citizen’s income is to replace the previous Hartz IV system. The draft law by Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) provides for a significant increase in standard rates. Better additional income opportunities and the retention of the previous sanctions in a milder form as well as more help for qualification and further training are also planned. The standard rate for single adults increases by EUR 53 from EUR 449 to EUR 502.

The Union sharply criticized the template. The labor market policy spokesman for the Union faction, Stephan Stracke (CSU), explained that the new regulation would make it more attractive not to work. “This is disrespect for the unemployed and the taxpayers who finance the solidarity system with their contributions.” This is moving in the direction of an unconditional basic income.

What do you think of the citizen money? Is the work still worthwhile for you personally? Tell us about your life situation, also with a view to the increased energy costs.

Write us a message to, preferably with your name and telephone number, so that we can contact you if we have any questions. We would like to publish some of the statements by name.

One thing is clear: the previous sanctions will be mitigated: Anyone who repeatedly fails to keep an appointment at the job center can be subject to a ten percent reduction in benefits from the outset. After the six-month “trust period” has expired, higher deductions are possible for so-called breaches of duty – such as the refusal of a reasonable job: 20 percent of the standard rate are deducted for the first violation, 30 percent for the second.

At the same time, additional earning opportunities are being expanded. Additional benefits such as a “further education allowance” are also intended to create additional incentives to seek employment. Whether the apartment of a beneficiary is appropriate will in future only be checked after two years. The same applies to assets up to a certain upper limit.

Social associations, on the other hand, criticized the planned standard rate increase as too low. “The approximately 50 euros more for single adults only sounds like a lot at first glance,” said Michael Groß, President of Arbeiterwohlfahrt. “Because in view of the standard rates that were already too low and the current inflation, this just compensates for the inflation rate. “That’s not enough at the back and front.”