Are you bored of sitting inside?

Sorry, but you live in the north, it is probably okay to continue with it for a little while.

– This is not the time to challenge fate, ” says Karsten Müller, vaktleder in Snøskredvarslingen.

He says that a combination of rising temperatures, high precipitation and strong winds are expected to naturally triggered avalanches.

An uneasy low-pressure system that is on the way in along the coast will in addition provide storm and strong wind gusts.

– It provides great stress on the snow cover.

For even if the sun looking back, there is no reason to set out on ski trip near the valleys and mountainsides.

Currently it is notified for Wednesday in the red in the whole county of Nordland. It is the second-highest on the faregraden and corresponds to the great danger of avalanches.

At first glance it may look like trails, but upon closer inspection one sees that there are many small snowballs that have slipped down the dalsiden. There are signs of wet løssnøskred.

Photo: Faretegn in nature

Photos that are sent to the alert service, a tool established by the, showing signs of the danger that lurks in the snowy in the mountains in the north.

This is a faretegn on the snowy start to become weaker. It is wet and unstable. Then you can see the snowballs that runs down, ” says Mills about the images from Vesterålen, which shows what may look like innocent track.

– it makes it even wetter can all surfaces drain out and give larger avalanche. So it is faretegn which shows that one should keep a distance.

In Troms and Finnmark varies snøskredfaren between moderate and significant. On the west coast is the moderate.

We advise people to stay away from skredterreng and have a good distance to the skredterreng, i.e. terrain that is steeper than thirty degrees.

He says that a good rule of thumb is to keep three times as long distance to skredterrenget, as the height of the henget.

– it Is a hundred meters high hang, should you have three hundred meters distance to henget.

on Wednesday, it is reported that the full storm in the parts of Nordland. It is currently uncertain how much wind and rain, lavtrykket will have with them and the Norwegian Meteorological institute is considering whether it should be sent out farevarsel. Here we see the forecasts for the weather on Wednesday morning.

Photo: Screenshot Yr.en Full storm Wednesday

Even if the sun stop looking in the short glimpse, there is no reason to believe in good turvær.

Now I begin almost to be a little tired even. Good weather .. it drøyer, says the on-duty meteorologist Amanda Borander by the Norwegian Meteorological institute.

A low-pressure system that is on the way towards the nordland coast provides very unsettled conditions both in the mountains and along the coast.

Tuesday afternoon’s forecast small storm in Lofoten and Vesterålen. Wednesday drag it out even more.

– When lavtrykket coming in towards the coast will increase. There is currently very uncertain how lavtrykket hit and how much wind it has with itself. But it can look like that already from the morning will be small and, to some extent, full storm from Salten and north.

Borander says the wind will come from the southwest direction, but that it will shift over to the western direction.

When we get the wind right on the coast and it can be powerful gust of wind.

the Norwegian Meteorological institute are now considering whether it will be sent out farevarsel.

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