After increased criticism of his leadership, Oliver Kahn (53) sees himself in the middle of a learning process in his role as CEO at FC Bayern.
Self-criticism from the managerial position: Oliver Kahn looks back on his first twelve months as CEO in Munich with self-criticism, as he said in an interview with “11Freunde”. Accordingly, it had become clear to him that “as a CEO it is necessary to be even more present in public”.
Short, compact, clear
Results orientation as a benchmark: At the same time, the former international goalkeeper pointed out, despite ongoing criticism, that the focus of his work is the results: “It’s not what someone says in public that matters, but how the results are.”
Argus eyes of the public: Kahn was also surprised by the sometimes immense public criticism and the media interest in his performance of his duties: “Anyone who works here as CEO has to do justice to this association in front of the public every day, make decisions and take responsibility for them .”