Arbeidseconomen of the university of Ghent conducted research on the impact of the current coronacrisis in one’s working life and career. It turns out that one in five feared for their jobs. People will continue to be able to telecommute, and would like to strike a better balance between work and personal life.

The 66-page study that focuses on persons in paid employment who are living in Flanders who are under the age of 65. The online survey was completed between Wednesday, march 25 and Tuesday, march 31.

“of Employees due to the crisis and, mainly, the importance of the balance between work and private life, and the circumstances in which it is worked, and the extent to which the employer has to take into account the personal needs of the employee,” says the professor, Stu, is Why. “One would think, in the future, with different priorities for the labour market, to look at them. This is very reminiscent of plans that, once more, around the new year, or after a severe illness, are to be made. It is a question of all or a substantial part of the population, these plans will come true.”

in Addition to the trade-off workers, it’s rather difficult. More than a fifth of all the fears of his job loss due to the coronacrisis. One in seven fear is that this may be even to the end of the year, it will be. This fear has been found to be higher for vulnerable groups such as older people and people with a migrant background. The fear in to make it all official, your job is to lose it goes for as much as four out of ten of the people who are currently temporarily unemployed.”

Especially in the hospitality and tourism industry is the fear of height.

Nearly two out of three, opened, never to telework on the days prior to the coronacrisis. One-quarter did so for about 10 per cent to 20 per cent of the working days, with a full-time job is equivalent to one-half day to one day per week to telework.

“Roughly two out of three of the interviewees with links to telework to a higher job satisfaction and a better balance between work and personal life,” says phd researcher, De Beer from the university of Ghent, “speak for themselves: more than one out of every two displays to work more efficiently, while tele-working, and be better able to concentrate. On the other hand: those who have children in the home, it is very difficult with the increased tele-working. One out of the three, is haunted by the household for the increased tele-working. More than one in five will experience more conflicts with family members.”

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