pandemics with dangerous viruses – three months ago, my spontaneous Association would have been to Netflix. So fast can go: Today, we re stuck in the middle. Time for preparations remained little, and so most of us have activated the emergency program “Provisions”.
It is only human that you want to be as good as possible prepared. The space purchased shelves are fuelling the sense of lack – and lead to even more hoarding. A current Prime example: disinfectant. Suddenly, this almost made Good fantasy prices. “Transaction limacher” scented and smell your opportunity: first, to Online platforms, but have relatively responds quickly and offers the majority of deleted. Now there are particular some Online stores, which try to make the fear of the people’s money. I’m on it.
But even in the pharmacies, the prices of disinfectants are currently much higher than usual. Many people ask themselves therefore: Is this abuse?
At the pharmacies I see currently no indications for price abuse. Why? Many of the disinfectants can be mixed in with the pharmacies themselves. Here is the (short-term) Not a virtue. The production costs for these hand-crafted resources – and the direct consequence, of course, also their prices are much higher than those of mass, industrially produced products. Also, have your purchase prices of, for example, for the underlying alcohol or the reserves increased NIT massively. This Knowledge into account pulled, the higher prices in the pharmacy prima vista, so probably understandable(he).
disinfectants are but also in retail trade (again) or at some Online retailers still relatively reasonable prices available.
should you Know that you can turn to in this time of crisis to me, if you suspect misuse of a Prize. My Team will check your messages. If you fall in my Department, we will deal with it accordingly. All other messages we will forward to the competent Authorities. Also in this time, our laws apply. Abuse will not be tolerated by the competent authorities according to the law punishable.
I wish those who are ill, a quick and good recovery. Those who need to isolate themselves, I say: Hold on by, it is important! And those who are (still) healthy: I press the fingers crossed that it stays that way.