The contract between the Premier League and the Russian company Match TV, which should be responsible for broadcasting games from England in the future, has been suspended. This means that no football matches from England’s top league can be seen in Russia.

Suspension of the TV contract in Russia: The Premier League is suspending a contract with the company “Match TV” from Russia, as reported by “Sportbuzzer”, citing British media, among others. This means that no games in the English top league will be shown on Russian television for an indefinite period. The company was actually supposed to broadcast the Premier League matches for six years starting next season.

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No games last season either: The Premier League had already suspended the contract at the time last season. This expired with the last game of the 2021/2022 season.

Reactions to the war in Ukraine: The Premier League is reacting to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine with this measure, as well as with the suspension of the contract in the spring.