Today you can often hear: “I do not represent as now to get out of this isolation! Only it was adapted, the regime established!” People are afraid of returning to the real world, because I don’t know what awaits them there. Will life continue? Or will have to adapt to some new realities and rules? You will stay with us forever, “distant” and “is”? And will not disappear if the job and salary?

“MK” was invited for the online round-table of experts able with high probability to assume how it will change our life to get out of isolation. Based on their advice, we made 4 simple rules.

1. Patience and wisdom

Our near economic future predicted the economist Sergei hestanov

is the Economy not recover soon. Only at the end of July we will begin to understand what’s going to happen. The situation is complicated by the fact that the pandemic coincided with a cyclical crisis, which economists had expected and waited for. Oil prices fell, according to experts it could be a failure for 15 years, as it was from 1985 to 2000. I am glad that the scale of the disaster is less than expected, and the accumulated reserves should cover the period of recovery of the oil market. Sad that the results of isolation, which the quarantine is not known, but de facto they were part of the bankrupt mid-sized businesses and a lot of people will remain unemployed. Little consolation that state-owned enterprises layoffs are expected.

How to be in this situation, the ordinary person who is familiar only with household economy?

– to Understand a crisis situation. It is no secret that the crises in the economy are cyclical and occur every 7-12 years (the last four came in 1986, in 1997-98, in 2008 and 2018). The exact time of the onset of the crisis, it is impossible to predict, but the approximate amount of well-known. So 5 years after the next crisis we should start to prepare for the next. This means: 1) to get rid of credit; 2) to make savings and keep them in hard currency; 3) to conduct a correct policy towards the employer. When the economy is on the rise, can be reasonably risk – ask for a raise, to take care of their career growth. But when the economy is at the forefront of reliability. If you zarekomenduete himself in the eyes of the employer is reliable, it will not reduce. Those who still cut or transferred to part-time employment, I recommend to convert your free time into improving their skills, it will increase your chances of finding work.

2. To be in trend

Sociologist Olga Kryshtanovskaya I am sure that we will change perceptions of the prestige of the profession.

– for a Long time we considered a prestigious profession, representatives of which niche��about does not produce, were held in high esteem all sorts of celebrities and stars. But the pandemic has shown how valuable all those who in this difficult time treated, taught, built and produced doctors, teachers, engineers, builders, sellers and workers. Now young people are more willing to choose the applied specialty. Bundle “white” and “blue” collar remain, but “blue” also fall into the trend, and it is good.

According to the sociologist, the results of two months of isolation there are many people who do not want to return to their previous life. They don’t want to communicate, eat and even travel as much as before.

– A “white collar” will come from online ever is more comfortable for them and their employers. In the real world will only work blue, what some will find its advantages. And our education system is emerging from a giant stress associated with the transition to “distant” and now with his head plunged into a new form, it will adapt, remaining in online mode at least partially. For example, “white collar” it is quite possible to teach remotely. “Distant” is a modern and comfortable, our only problem is that not all are equally technically equipped to fully trained via the Internet.

3. Examine materiel

the fact that the “digital divide” reduces the quality of online learning, I agree, and head of the Russian organization for the protection of the rights of citizens in education Viktor Panin

According to conservative estimates, about 700 thousand of Russian schoolchildren do not have the technical ability to learn remotely: not everyone has home computers and the Internet. It is no secret that in our schools age of teachers more than those who are under 40. And for them to learn online was a real feat. And still the quality has suffered, not least because, according to the rules, an online lesson can’t go more than 15 minutes. A teacher accustomed to traditional methods, for this time do not have time to give a new material and test your knowledge of the old. Not accidentally, parent chat rooms, and groups now are filled with rumors: parents terrified that their children may leave for “distance” forever. Imagine how come to work and are faced with the need to leave the child home alone with a computer. I think that in the partial online can go to some universities, depending on the specialization, and the schools remain traditional. Not least because the development of a personality, children need socialization, and we can not deprive them of this opportunity. But in General all it is necessary to develop new technologies, they are now with us forever!

4. To protect yourself and others

Psychotherapist Eugene singer advises not to treat yourself and others too demanding, not to provoke disruptions:

– Many now feel tired and sami surprised: like sitting at home! But this weariness is justified. The most energy consuming activity for our brain is making decisions. And during the adaptation to a new way of life each of us took thousands of tiny decisions, and now we would be fit to relax, but it’s impossible. We will again make thousands of small decisions to adapt to a new life, which has no clear rules. The unknown causes anxiety, and anxiety is an excellent background for all sorts of exacerbations. Our mind, as the immune system, reduces the stress: out the hidden problems, fears and other sensitive places. Soon the background will be rather depressing – not critical, but is sufficient to show leniency towards yourself and others.