a Soloist of the St. Petersburg group Junkyard Storytellaz Gregory Seleznev said on the show Mint Music Home about their participation in the program “the Voice.” This is stated in the press release received by the editors”.ru”.
According to the musician, rehearsal with mentor Valery Meladze he once came “after the brandy”. “And probably with that, they have crept into some doubt. They declared “let’s Go! Let’s sail beyond the buoys!” But I guess we have different ideas about the buoys,” said Seleznev.
In the recording of the program was also attended by the soloist of The Jack Wood Sasha Klokova. She spoke about her collaboration with Pussy Riot and the trip to America. “They needed a girl which has a rather headstrong disposition. If I refused, you wouldn’t know that part of show business, which is carefully concealed,” said the artist.
According to Klokova, now not so valuable “musical material” as a person, instagram and the number of subscribers. “I just made it clear that we are not musicians, we are political activists. Throughout the world, they took it as a punk band that wanted to play, and they were not given”, — said the musician. Klokov noted that ceased to operate with Pussy Riot, because it is important for the human factor.