Sobyanin thanked the medics who are struggling with coronavirus

“Always with great respect for the work of physicians, but for now just admire. Everything from nurses to chief physicians – are working overtime. Clinic strengthened field service. Volunteers joined the students of medical universities. Community nurses of Moscow has offered support to the clinic Kommunarka, where most cases of coronavirus”.

Photo: Sergey Mikheev/RG the head physician of the Moscow hospital told of patients with COVID-19

According to him, the first aid to the townspeople, as always, come ambulance. They take tests and then take patients with suspected coronavirus in the hospital. In turn coll-the centre makes recommendations to the Muscovites, and analytical staff finds and verifies people with a high risk of infection.

Sobyanin noted that the burden is now on Moscow healthcare has grown significantly and asked residents to heed the request of the doctors: stay home.