“Upgraded intelligent unmanned shop is able to increase productivity and volume of production at 30 and 20 percent respectively,” – said the employee of the plant cold rolling. Intellectual production has become a powerful weapon of enterprises to improve the quality and efficiency of production and provided stability during the epidemic COVID-19.

an Unmanned shop is only a miniature of the accelerated digitization of the entire production sector of China. According to the “White paper on the digital economy development of China (2020)”, published on 3 July by the Chinese Academy of information and communication technologies (CAICT), a digital industry of China in the past year actively developed. Digital technologies play an increasingly important role in accelerating growth and improving the efficiency of traditional industries. Through the use of digital technologies for industrial enterprises received last year to 28.8 trillion yuan (4,12 trillion dollars) value added by 16.8 percent more than the year before.

this figure is the deep integration of traditional industries and new technologies.

In June, deep in the mountains of Lvliang, Shanxi province in North China after a three-month work of the staff of the Chinese telecommunications company China Unicom in the coal mine of Ananta were installed the last base station 5G. Now more than 100 kilometers of mine shafts covered with a network 5G. It greatly increases the safety and efficiency of mining operations. “Thanks to 5G, we are now able to record video in the mines, to operate equipment and conduct mining work. Dream about the intelligent mining of ores translated into reality”, – said the employee of the company Coaland Huozhou Electricity Group, leading the development of ores in the mine Ananta.

Information technology new generation, including 5G and artificial intelligence, benefit not only the mining industry but to many other industrial sectors. By the end of last year 41.7 per cent of the production equipment and 49.5 percent of key production processes of Chinese enterprises were digitized, and 41% of the digital devices of those companies were connected to the Internet. In addition, at 69.3 percent of research and development work of the industrial enterprises used digital tools. All this provided powerful support for a deep digital transformation of the manufacturing sector.

Digital tools are changing not only large industries but also small and medium enterprises (SMEs). One of them is a company producing clothes Qingdao Huanqiu Garments in Shandong province in Eastern China. “Cooperating with the platform COSMOPlat (the result of an independent development of Haier company, provides creative setcomplete solution for mass personalization – Ed.) we have created a specialised service platform. This allowed us to receive customized orders from all over the world,” – said General Director of the company Yang Zhiqiang.

COSMOPlat reflects the efforts of industrial Internet platforms in China, providing Chinese SMEs support in the transition to digitalization. Statistics show that last year the value added of the industrial Internet in China has reached to 2.13 trillion yuan, up 47.3 percent more in annual terms. Including the introduction of the industrial Internet in various segments of industry has increased the scale of the economy of 1.6 trillion yuan, and its role in promoting economic development throughout the country has become even more noticeable.

the figure of 28.8 trillion yuan worth of new business models and high viability of enterprises. Quad Talent, a provider of solutions for digital business transformation, recently launched a Chinese Shoe manufacturer Topscore marketing program to showcase live on site the Taobao store of the manufacturing process of footwear on the production line. After receipt of the order, the plant immediately starts the production process which is visible to the purchaser. “Thus, the invisible barriers between the producer and the client have been eliminated”, – said the Executive Director of Quad Talent Ming Wanli.

rapid integration of information technologies of new generation and the manufacturing sector contributes to the emergence of new products, models and formats of business. According to statistics, 35.3% of Chinese enterprises across the country have launched production on the basis of online interactions, 25.3 per cent of service production, 8.1 percent moved to the individualization of orders.

“the Manufacturing sector applying information technology in the entire chain, becomes the new platform for digital economy development of China,” – said the Director of the Institute for the study of digital economy CAICT sun CE.

According to the newspaper Renmin Ribao