Since the Crimean bridge in may 2018, it passed 10 million vehicles, including 130 thousand buses and 1.3 million trucks. This was reported by the press service of PKU uprdor “Taman”.

For 26 months after opening of the bridge the traffic flow in the direction of the Peninsula exceeded Krasnodar direction by 9 percent and amounted to more than 5 million vehicles.

In “Taman” explained that in the summer the flow on the Crimean bridge traditionally increases, and the maximum traffic record in August. So, in 2018 and 2019, the last month of summer on the bridge recorded the highest number of cars passed per day in both directions: 33 thousand and 36 thousand, respectively.

This summer, the average daily intensity of traffic on the bridge increased two times in comparison with the spring traffic – up to 21 thousand cars. In June, crossed the Strait of Kerch about 280 thousand cars, in the same month the flow of cars in the Crimean direction has exceeded Taman by 18 percent. Since the beginning of July on the bridge in the Crimea drove more than 150 thousand cars, then went to the Peninsula more than 100 thousand. And only 45 days of summer Crimean bridge was crossed by 550 thousand cars, and since the beginning of the year – one and a half million.

In “Taman” reminded that for the smooth functioning of the track meet more than 100 employees, in charge of 35 pieces of road equipment.

Crimean bridge length of 19 kilometers – the longest in Russia and Europe.