Now we were inside a movie. And no theaters, and cafes, and a sense of security. Now we’re all savisaari and Samothraki, stiff sitting at laptops in dreary waiting there is a tomorrow, and how it will be. And on monitors, how to order, – a new series of “When tomorrow comes. Chronicle of a pandemic”, released unknown to me Team UXX platform for IVI. It’s about what happens behind the walls of the house here and now.

I Must say, the efficiency of its authors can be admired: in the first series on TV heard reports almost of yesterday, and the rest of the series, probably some mounting, others removed, and still others write a script, not knowing how it will end and the show, and in life. While in the collection of the IVI only two series, but the movie is clear: if we view of the area of the city, and there can hear some of the echoes around us troubles, the film gives them close-up and the maximum concentration. From late-night robberies and attacks on hawkers food to bandit thefts out of desperation yesterday, prosperous and confident in the future of people, in an instant lost their homes and money to telephone swindlers and runs wild in the boyish eyes of the packs. We learn from the movie a lot more than television reports. Because the TV – like look from a bird’s perspective and this movie is included in every single apartment and in each – a total big trouble. We understand that after sunset the streets become a jungle, that leaving the house can not be sure that he will return. We will see how starts a deadly disease and where it can be taxied. Will witness the despair and suicides. Good actors will play for us the crisis situation described by writers Dmitry Vasiliev and Mike Cleo and animate unknown Directors whose names I couldn’t find in the credits. And all this, minutely written, played and filmed in a matter of days. And quite skillfully and quite professional.

the Opening credits reported that seen – fiction: “the Authors do not aim to sow panic”. They want to “protect the viewer from possible repetition of negative scenarios” shown in the film. And it was true: already the first of the series resemble a filmed catalogue of dangers that await us in the era of the pandemic. Admittedly, this is difficult knowledge can really come in handy: as the English say, forewarned is forearmed.

But as for the panic… don’t know. I write about movies, I watch it a ton and fun and tragic and terrible. May want to worry about the screen, but never forget that this is just a movie, a story invented by the authors and played by the actors, where even the blood – cranberry juice. A new series looking through the eyes of others. On the actors-the juice, and for STE��AMI home – blood. On screen well played cramps – behind the walls of hospitals people squirm in earnest here and now. Nerves on edge, people on the streets ignoring each other, watching warily, the smile disappeared as a class. So this episode, I look with a feeling, as if he opened the wall of our room in this dangerous world where death lurks around every corner. Not from the virus, so by dashing men. And there will be more and more than and we understand this. Because there will be a lot of hungry, homeless, lost everything, and the care they expected, and they, in desperation, many unable to go, as it was in Italy. A society decaying on the screen is a civilization torn down on the planet.

Judging by the first episodes of the series, waiting for us and indispensable in the movie love story. In store for this pretty pair: yesterday’s playboy, a brilliant employee at a prestigious firm, suddenly lost all their belongings and become penny courier (Andrew Marusin), and dispatchers company catering imprisoned people (Christine Boytsova). Music, their story developed in a hurry, and wounds that broke the destiny of man, scar too quickly, the light side of nature is winning and promise ahead, most likely, a tense melodrama. But these are my assumptions, which are unlikely to be put into practice: look no further, I will not: I don’t need to panic. A movie that all the details matches with the actually developing a nightmare, it inevitably leads.

I will say from the TV news cardocase are equally creepy. And the doctor butchers already said that God long ago painted the fate of each, and the final one, and no need to rock the boat – everything will be there. This psychotropic medication is certainly comforting, although, as a side effect, and paralyzes the will to live. But any resistance to stresses, there are limits and we are with you immunity to hopelessness is still useful. When in new York erupted 9/11, all the disaster movies, the destruction of cities and the mass death of people was immediately removed from the screens and returned to the rental, not soon – only when the shock subsided. And certainly no hurry to announce casting for the role of future corpses.

It was the first medical principle: do no harm. Now he finds a universal scale.

And the next portion of the show promise to have the other day, hot stuff, straight from hell’s furnace surrounding us in a terrifying reality.