In the English coastal town of Blackpool, Lancashire, Seagull with an arrow in his chest for two months continues to fly and carry people’s food in fast food restaurants. This publication reports The Mirror.

the Bird, which pierced through a 45-cm arrow regularly see at the local KFC. At the restaurant, fed her potatoes and chicken. Seagull behaves like other dogs and looks healthy. It tried several times to catch and pass the vets, but no one was able to do it.

Who and why shot the Seagull, is unknown. It was first noticed in late may. Local people are worried that unknown who shot the bird, can harm other animals. Despite the fact that they sent several addresses to the Royal society for the protection of animals from abuse, while the representatives of the organization took no action.

Earlier it was reported that UK residents took dirty in curry sauce tea for an exotic bird. Because of the sticky sauce she couldn’t fly, and acquired a bright orange color.