An international group of scientists found that the mysterious fossil in the shape of a deflated ball, discovered in 2011 in Antarctica, is the egg, deferred millions of years ago giant sea reptile. The researchers ‘ findings published in the journal Nature.

After examining the fossil with the help of microscopes, experts have discovered several layers of membrane, which confirmed the conjecture that it was an egg with a soft shell. Experts also found that the age of the fossil is about 66 million years.

Due to the fact that the egg was empty, the researchers to identify the creature, depositing it, were forced to match the proportions of the 259 bodies of living reptiles with their eggs. Then they studied the catalog of extinct creatures that were the right size, and then came to the conclusion that the egg was adjourned ancient marine reptile with mosasaurus.

It is noted that this specimen is the first fossil egg was found in Antarctica. The said finding is valuable because it casts doubt on the prevailing scientific idea that creatures like mosasaur not laid eggs.