Saxony: Suspicion of bodily harm: men (50, 52) argue over Pokémon

Pokémon doesn’t just delight children. In Hoyerswerda, Saxony, two adults argue over a duel in a virtual arena. In the end the police have to be involved.

Two men clashed in Hoyerswerda, Saxony, over a duel in a virtual Pokémon arena. Now there is even an investigation on suspicion of bodily harm. 

One probably fought the other’s Pokémon and occupied the arena – much to the other’s dismay, as the police announced on Monday. Accordingly, the dispute over dominance in the virtual world escalated: there were scuffles between the 52-year-old and the 50-year-old. 

On Sunday, the two went to the police, who are now investigating the 52-year-old on suspicion of assault and the 50-year-old on suspicion of threats. According to their own statements, the police did not end the occupation of the arena because the Pokémon activities are a matter of civil law.

Pokémon is about collecting and training monsters. The name is derived from “Pocketmonster” – i.e. “pocket monster”. Pokémon became famous through the games of the video game company Nintendo.

In the Erzgebirgskreis, around 1,000 Ukrainian refugees are urgently looking for accommodation. A letter from the district office asks them to vacate their current apartments by mid-June.

A video shows young people chanting “foreigners out” while partying outside a club. The video is widely shared on social media. There are consequences for the first people in the video. Racist incidents also occurred in other places in Germany. All developments in the ticker.