Tuesday was scheduled to open the 73rd Cannes film festival, has been postponed indefinitely due to the epidemic. On the eve of his program Director Thierry Fremaux in an interview with Screen International for the first time explicitly said that the 2020 festival “in physical form” will not.The fall will begin preparations for the festival 2021, which the jury will again offer to lead Spike Lee, failed to the current President. Fremaux says that in the beginning of June will be declared the (conditional) selection of Cannes “in Cannes-2020”. It is possible that some of the people will prefer to wait a whole year to be presented for the first time in Cannes. But many of the selected films (for example, a new work by Wes Anderson and Nanni Moretti), it is likely to get the Prime Minister on other major festivals — apparently with a special stamp “the Cannes selection”. After all, festivals are significant primarily because they give the rolling start of the campaign for each film, but as soon as the box office, to restrain the impatience of the producers and distributors, and so has lost a lot of money will be difficult.The form of this collaboration is still a subject of discussion, because it is important to take into account the factor of competition, and ambition of each of the festivals. The most difficult, it seems, is the case with Venice, and the difficulty is compounded by the fact that there is no confidence that the festival will be able to hold, as expected, in September. If this does not happen, the winner will be the third of the “big three” — the Berlin festival, which managed to pass in late February, literally on the razor’s edge — a few days before the announcement of the quarantine. It is possible that he will be the first festival 2021 and the only one that will avoid the annual quarantine pause.Among the expected from the mouth of pragmatic Cannes Director’s words sounded unusual: melancholy and nostalgia; he admitted that he is experiencing these feelings, looking at the festival Palace without the usual stargazing. Really cinematic, and the whole cultural world was plunged into an atmosphere of melancholy — in fact globally-existential value, which gave it a Lars von Trier when he made his “Melancholy” of a decade ago. It was then that the famous Danish Director was subjected to obstruction at the Cannes film festival 2011 for a bad joke about Hitler. Since then, the world is even more mired in hypocrisy and double standards, to the triumph of posttrade and farcical stage of a witch hunt. The film community and film festivals, who more who less willingly, went on about this politically correct “agenda”. But came not where expected.Photo: Anatoly Zhdanov, Kommersantdaily epidemic (by the way, early Trier’s film, shot in 1987, was called “Epidemic”) was a shock for those who are for and those against the agenda, the split including elitesthe society. Evidence of this has sounded the “Letter of the hundred” — the appeal of famous artists, filmmakers, philosophers and scientists under the slogan “No return to normal life”. Initiated by the French actress Juliette Binoche, this is a letter written by her compatriot and friend, physicist and philosopher Lille Barro and published in the newspaper Le Monde.Among the signatories — cate Blanchett, Monica Bellucci, Pedro Almodovar, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jane Fonda, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Natalie Doucett, Penelope Cruz, Robert De Niro, Joaquin Phoenix…the List goes on, and it will be equally impressive. Especially when you consider the names of the twenty leading scientists — Nobel laureates: call at least chemist Roald Hoffman and physics David’s Acting.However, the headliner of the campaign were signed the letter to Madonna: that she struck the skeptics, caught in social networks pop star as a symbol of the wasteful consumerism, against which it acts. He remembered everything: a multimillion-dollar athletes and the private jets and fabulous fees. And she has the audacity to demand from ordinary people to do all this in your spending? Our countrymen have offered to the Madonna for saving resources to move to Moscow Khrushchev that the service honey did not seem. In such a reaction Shine and social envy “fed”, and national complexes, and narrow-minded manner “put in place” artistic celebrities, supposedly fattening “our money”. The latter soon accused the Russian stars, especially if they do not please the masses with his next work done on the budget: that there is at least harassment Chulpan Khamatova, which we watched recently. Madonna, however, draws money does not eats, but still want okorotit shark show business.If Madonna and Almodovar appeal to the unnamed powers that be, our write specifically to the Prime Minister and the Minister of culture with the insistent offer to provide economic measures in support of the film industry to help those who work in it under the contracts and was in a distressed state due to stop of production. Among the signatories — Directors Vadim Abdrashitov and Alexei Popogrebsky, the operators Michael Krichman and Sergey Astakhov, the letter was supported by the professional Guild, the creative unions, the organizing Committee of the Union of film-makers. Creative workers, including those who have name and reputation were among the most vulnerable categories of society: they have no regular salary and they can’t even qualify for unemployment benefits. In a heartbreaking Facebook post appeared playwright Yury Claudian asking colleagues and friends for help. And he is not the only one who is in need.It is clear that the international��x celebrities an economic resource more than our, and the airbag is softer. When the pocket and the stomach is empty, not to existential questions. Although, on the other hand, they are only for short distances seem abstract, but in tomorrow’s world can become important and even decisive.Andrey Plakhov