Sex & Relationships in Belgium, with ease, Flanders, it makes since for the moment it is the sale of sex toys and condoms in our country, up 162 per cent. But you’re also normal if you are not in the mood for sex.

Our country is showing itself to this day of the hottest part. Not only in the daily round of applause for the professionals, and hundreds of solidarity actions, but also libidogewijs some of the Belgians have it was well.

as of march 18, at the time at which the lock has been set, an increase in sales of erotiekgigant EDC’s Retail, the company behind the qualified as a, on average, 94 percent of the time. One day, there was a growth of 162 per cent. “On a daily basis, now more than 800 orders, more than on a normal day,” said CEO Eric Idema. “We have been diligently working to get all orders to be processed. To do this, there is a 24 hours a day, 7 by three teams, non-stop working on it.”

EDC, the Retail is especially designed for the sales of lubricants and condoms is increasing, but it is also sekspoppen, and a silicone-women-over $ 1,000, according to Idema to “hard”. will also see an increase, albeit somewhat less pronounced. There were 22 per cent more sex toys of the digital counter, and condoms were 30 percent more were sold. Not only in Belgium, also in other countries, from Denmark to New Zealand – it seems to be the trend to be taking place.

by Melissa (32), bought last week as a “realistic dildo” from Easytoys. “This isn’t my first toy,” she said. “I’m three years single and I have a high sex drive, so I’m looking for other ways to get me to satisfy you. Occasionally, I can see that my friend with benefits , but it is one of my big frustrations is that it isn’t anymore. We do, however, have to be online videoseks.”