From 1 January 2021 foreigners can apply for a visa to visit Russia in a few clicks on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Introduction "a universal single electronic single entry visa for a short stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" is provided signed by the President of the Russian Federation law, which publishes "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".
The law facilitates the obtaining of visas for travel with a guest or a business visit as a tourist, and to participate in scientific, cultural, political, economic and sports events. Simply put, if a foreigner need to visit Russia on football, premiere or a business meeting, or just "city view", then the visa will not need to bother. Electronic visa will be a separate category along with diplomatic, service, ordinary, transit visa and visa of temporarily living in the Russian Federation face.
Electronic visa is issued as single entry for up to 60 calendar days permitted duration of stay in Russia up to 16 days. Be issued this visa will be based on the decision of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia, adopted after submission by a foreign citizen, which can be filled in online. Term of registration of electronic visas will not exceed 4 calendar days. The act also repealed a number of provisions of applicable law, including the restrictions on the movement of foreign citizens on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which has made entry to Russia.
By the way, e-visas are already operating in Russia in 2017. The first innovation was the littoral, and in 2019 – the Kaliningrad region, Saint Petersburg and Leningrad oblast. For the broad introduction of electronic visas will use the experience of the world Championship on football of 2018. You will use the equipment that is used for this in Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Sochi and Kazan.
The head of the Federal Agency for tourism of sarin doguzova believes that Russia after the introduction of electronic visas will become the state with the most liberal visa regime among developed countries. International practice, she said, shows that the liberalization of the visa regime directly increases the tourist inflow on average by 20-40 percent. List of countries whose citizens will be able from 2021 to use the visa online service will be approved by the Russian government separately. It will prepare the Russian foreign Ministry.
New visa will be paid its cost will be $ 50. Now the visa fee is $ 75 and $ 150 for Express.