The accusations of the USA and great Britain against Russia in that it tested the anti-satellite space weapons is propaganda spreading. This is stated in the message of the Russian foreign Ministry on the official website of the Department.

According to the Ministry, the actions of the West aimed at discrediting the Russian space activities and peace initiatives to prevent an arms race in outer space.

Representatives of the Ministry stressed that the July 15 tests were conducted in full compliance with international law and does not pose threats to any space objects. A Russian “satellite inspector” has collected technical information on the domestic state of the other spacecraft.

Previously, the U.S. has offered Russia to create a line of communication to prevent conflicts in outer space. According to assistant Secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation Christopher Ford, in the last two weeks Russia is doing strange and dangerous things in orbit, and so it may happen some misunderstanding.

This week the head of the British space program Vice-Marshal Harvey Smith has accused Russia of testing of the space of anti-satellite weapons in July of this year. According to him, such actions threaten the peaceful uses of outer space and pose the risk that the debris may be a threat to satellites and space systems that affect the world. The space command of the United States also announced the availability of information about Russia testing anti-satellite weapons that brought destruction. According to the Ministry, July 15, from Russian satellite “Cosmos-2543” separated an object, which is in the directory of the command is indicated as the number 45915.