The Russian Embassy in Estonia urges local analysts not to frighten the population "Russian threat", and look for unifying the two neighbouring States are topics for reaching mutually beneficial cooperation.

Russian diplomats say that the past July 1, the vote on the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation has become an important reason for the emergence in Estonia of various kinds of analytical materials, forecasts, commentaries, statements, both formal and less formal nature. No less attention was caused by the appeared earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazism.

"it is Impossible not to see in most appeared in Estonia feedback definite direction, namely, the desire to splash out on Russia and the leadership of our country with all sorts of accusations, whether the rewriting of history or nurturing aggressive plans that threaten the world, and therefore Estonia. How much effort is made to prove that today or tomorrow the Baltic States will become a victim of "aggressive" Russia. And so from year to year", – said in the report released on Thursday comments by the Embassy.

According to him, the forecasts of the latter-day oracles are all not true, it is time to regret the "wasted time and wasted mountains of discarded paper".

"Not worth taking this into account, applying the power of the thinking apparatus such "analysts" in the other direction – to act in line with a mutually respectful dialogue with the intention to look for unifying the two neighbouring States are topics for reaching mutually beneficial cooperation in the interests of the population of both countries?" – asks the Russian diplomatic mission.