
Lockhart, Texas is home to a groundbreaking entrepreneurship program that is making a significant impact on the lives of women inmates at the Lockhart Correctional Facility. The program, known as Empowering Women out of Prison (EWOP), has achieved an incredible feat – a 0% repeat prison stay rate for its graduates. This remarkable success is a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship and the dedication of the program’s administrators.

One of the program’s success stories is Jessica Farrow, a current inmate who found hope and inspiration through EWOP. Farrow, who is working on launching her own business called TradeFlex, a second-chance recruitment agency, credits the program with giving her the courage to dream and believe in herself. She is just one of over 100 women currently enrolled in the program, all of whom are working towards a brighter future.

The driving force behind EWOP is Executive Director Pam Thomure, who recognized the need for gender-specific entrepreneurship programs for female inmates. With a mission to instill business ambition in incarcerated women and provide them with the tools for success, Thomure and her team have created a supportive and empowering environment within the program. The results speak for themselves – while the national recidivism rate hovers around 46%, EWOP has maintained a remarkable 0% rate with its graduates.

In addition to entrepreneurship training, EWOP also offers transitional housing assistance to its participants upon their release from prison. This crucial support system helps women like Farrow transition back into society with a sense of community and purpose. Farrow, who is set to be released next year, is looking forward to utilizing this service as she takes the next steps in her journey.

Central to the success of EWOP are the partnerships with entrepreneurs who serve as mentors, ambassadors, and volunteers for the program. These individuals play a vital role in guiding and supporting the program participants as they work towards building their businesses and creating a better future for themselves. If you are interested in getting involved with EWOP, you can reach out to the program by emailing

The impact of the EWOP program goes far beyond the walls of the Lockhart Correctional Facility – it is changing lives, breaking cycles of incarceration, and empowering women to build a better future for themselves. Through entrepreneurship and community support, these women are finding hope, purpose, and a second chance at success.