Four-time world champion Aleksandra Soldatova has complained about Moscow’s unseasonably overcast skies, saying that she can bring back ‘sunny days’ by sharing pool photos on social media.

This is the only way to remember sunny days in weather like this,” the 22-year-old wrote, posting a beaming picture of herself wearing a light blue swimsuit in a pool.

The rhythmic gymnast has become more active on her Instagram page after putting her career on halt due to health problems.

She recently revealed her battle with eating disorder bulimia, which she has been struggling with for the past two seasons.

Публикация от Alexsandra Soldatova. (@soldy21)16 Июл 2020 в 8:56 PDT

Soldatova hopes to recover from the illness and earn one of the two Olympic spots to represent Russia at the Tokyo Games next summer.

The gymnastics star, who has more than 440,000 followers, often shows her mind-blowing stretching and flexibility sharing clips on her Instagram page.

Публикация от Alexsandra Soldatova. (@soldy21)6 Июл 2020 в 9:41 PDT