Radishes in the package

In the district of Spruce in Perm region last weekend, a local resident, we’ll call her Helen H decided to run to mom for tomato seedlings. The village is small, relatives live nearby, just two blocks away. But to mom’s gardener is not reached, it was intercepted by a police patrol.

the Situation is typical for the Kama region. In a lull, here only sell products. Usually at this time of the year is in full swing selling saplings and seedlings, but today all the specialized pavilions are closed. Country trade in goods are also suspended. People are scratching their heads about where to purchase seeds and various building materials for the garden? For example, a film on greenhouses or covering material?

No exception, and Tula oblast. As already reported, “RG”, local authorities suddenly Tulyakov has tightened the regime of self-isolation in the region. In were banned the construction of shops and trade seeds and seedlings.

Although a prior period of self-isolation, decided to hold in the cottages. The time to sow radishes,the same dill, parsley, carrots, other root vegetables, engage in seedlings. And here again – and please… This “strike” prior did not expect? “We are thus back to the city want to drive?” – they wonder.

moreover, additional measures for tightening the regime of self-isolation also referred to remote delivery of seeds and seedlings. In the region closed all the points of shipment of goods.

– All contractual obligations in force. Just the delivery time was adjusted in connection with the known circumstances – did not see the incident problems the Chairman of the regional Committee for entrepreneurship and consumer market Vyacheslav Romanov.

That is, garden centers seedlings send out, but to get the order, it is necessary to wait for the lifting of the ban. When this happens, the authorities are evasive – “depending on the situation.” But it’s a living product, long in the warehouse to be stored can here, every day counts. Who and how will compensate for the loss of both producers and consumers – there is no answer.

no One argues with the need for strict isolation. But in this case, in a difficult position put precisely those who want to be away from people, wants to dig in the earth or doing home repairs.

In Perm, by the way, though allowed contactless remote trade commodities. As RG explained in administration of the Governor, their list includes also seeds and seedlings. You can buy them in supermarkets. It was rumored that at the end of April, some suburban communities will allow offsite trading, but so far this information is true has not been confirmed.

But in the Samara region, where over 214 thousand suburban areas, according to the Chairman of regional branch “the Union of gardeners of Russia” Natalia Mitroshenkova, no problems with it. Trade in seeds and seedlings did not stop the big chains, such as Castorama and Leroy, there are seeds and “Pjaterochka”. Range – for every taste and budget.

Perhaps one of the most popular shops in Samara and is called “Cottager” on the street of the Soviet Army. It has always worked. The store clerk told the “RG” that the seeds of this season take good.

– Who takes what and who the flowers who bow and potatoes, so no harvest samarians will remain. Come, range we have a good, beckoning the clerk.

And one more observation – on the streets of Samara in places where retirees usually sell first berries and cucumbers, also began to appear citizens of seedlings. They do not break up. So buy seeds and seedlings, as store-bought and homemade, samarians can now without problems.

In Omsk specialized shops selling seeds and seedlings were not included in the list of entities permitted to operate in the limitation period. But in Novosibirsk they included “green light”. However, half of the outlets closed due to low activity of buyers who are advised to stay home. But if you want to find the product. For example, in a shop in the street Dusi Kovalchuk in addition to offering seeds and seedlings. The average Apple here cost 700 rubles, currant – 340.

However, in Omsk seeds also buy no problem. They are traded and urban markets and supermarkets, many of whom began to specialize in the delivery of goods at home. In the list of goods that you can find on the network sites, there are seeds. Prices the same as last year.

on Saturdays the city’s traditional fairs bring and seedlings. But, according to sellers, taking them is bad. It is understandable, the time for planting in Siberia has not yet arrived. The most favorable time is from mid to late may.

in short, gardeners everywhere people are passionate about. They believe that due to virus they the season will not pass without its harvest will remain. Moreover, to isolate themselves on the site easier than in the city. By local authorities, it seems to us, need help. And not to raise a formal and sometimes ill-considered obstacles.