a Immediately obvious that the readers of the Washington post and read a lot about Rashahat poisoning in Salisbury and other tales from the Vienna woods. To declare Putin the new Russian vaccine, they saw a reason to sharpen his wit. Someone invites Putin to test a new wonder drug on the trump. And one feminist prefers to wait for the vaccine from Merkel.
Moscow — Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russian scientists have achieved a breakthrough in the global race of vaccines. He announced that his country became the first approved while an experimental vaccine against coronavirus. He also said that his daughter already took a dose of a vaccine.
Putin’s daughter had experienced a vaccine against coronavirus
Officials promised to provide the vaccine for voluntary use by millions of people this summer and in early autumn. The first host in the coming weeks can log tens of thousands of teachers and working at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus doctors.
But this courageous leap of Russia towards potentially life-saving vaccine has caused concern among experts on health, accustomed to working on a global scale. They claim that the country went in vain for the “jumping” of critical testing. Because this testing is essential in order to determine whether a new potential vaccine for the coronavirus is safe and effective. Very few details of research Institute of a name of Gamalei been published or have been subjected to an objective assessment of colleagues.
the Comments American readers:
the ca-architect
We have one volunteer on Pennsylvania Avenue, 1600 (the White house — approx. transl.) He had all of Russia agreed, so why not to try.
Hey, who wouldn’t want to he stuck a hastily created, apparently, untested and not going on the expert assessment of a “vaccine”, developed in Russia to Putin appeared in the image of the hero? I’m sure the Republicans will be crowds line up! In addition, between the zombies and the Republicans initially, the difference is small. And again, I am sure that if side effects and mortality will be even worse than the covid-19, for the Republicans it will turn rare opportunity. They will be able to recoup in that light, for losing in College football games. Nice, isn’t it? I’m sure Donnie Fat beside himself yelling: “It’s not fair! Why can’t I turn�� our people into Guinea pigs!” You KNOW he would have done if he had the chance. Don’t take the Russo-Variation-63 if you have heart disease, you are sick covid-19 or pregnant. Side effects are common and can include fatigue, nausea and the appearance of the limbs, like insects.