The Director of the Center for geopolitical expertise Valery Korovin in the air NSN said accused the American globalists in the outbreak of armed stolknovenie between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The organization of collective security Treaty will hold an emergency meeting due to the aggravation between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
July 12, on the border of Tovuz district clash occurred. According to Baku killed three Azerbaijani servicemen. The Director of the Center for geopolitical expertise Valery Korovin in the air NSN said that the conflict in the Caucasus cannot be resolved without third party involvement.
“the Conflict, indeed, frozen, but not solved. But every time it defrost under the influence of external forces. It concerned the American globalists and their European network. Whenever they need to aggravate the situation in the Caucasus in their opposition to Russia’s influence thawed the conflict. The specificity of it is that it cannot be resolved on the basis of the model of national States. It can be solved only with involvement of a third party. Whether the West, which offers mechanical approach him, or Russia, which may include these two subjects in a supranational integration project with Russia”, – he said.
The Embassy of Azerbaijan does not exclude large-scale war over Nagorno-Karabakh the Source NSN suggested that Russia has the ability to stop the conflict but not solving it.
“Now worsening can be associated with loss of global initiatives that involve complexities in the United States. The globalists were in charge of American liberals who have become Democrats. Now because vnutribolnichnogo crisis of the globalist project was left without patronage. To at least some initiative to keep, they are now trying to act at different points, including in the Caucasus. In the event of a real conflict, CSTO, like Russia, will try to keep a neutral position, to appease the parties, defer a solution to the conflict, which in the current format impossible. Russia has enough leverage in the first place, diplomatic and leverage personal image of Vladimir Putin for another frozen conflict”, – he added.
The Chairman of the government of Armenia Nikol Pashinian laid on the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan is responsible for the worsening situation in the region.
In turn, the Embassy of Azerbaijan does not exclude large-scale war over Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh lasted from February 1988 when Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous region announced its secession from the Azerbaijan SSR.