Proximity to Russia: BSI President unsuccessfully requested disciplinary proceedings against himself

The President of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), who was released by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, has asked the ministry to initiate disciplinary proceedings against him – but so far to no avail.

A state secretary in the Interior Committee of the Bundestag reported on the request from BSI boss Arne Schönbohm, as participants in the meeting told the editorial network Germany. He said that Schönbohm had stated in the written request that he did not know what the allegations against him looked like and what the ministry had actually checked. A ministry spokesman confirmed to the RND that there is no disciplinary procedure.

Schönbohm is accused of continued contacts with the German Cyber ​​Security Council (CSRD e.V.), which he co-founded and some of which are accused of having problematic contacts with Russia. So far, however, the reasoning has not been sufficient for either the Greens or the Union.

The domestic political FDP parliamentary group spokesman Manuel Höferlin demanded in the “Welt”: “The disciplinary proceedings requested by President Schönbohm must now be opened quickly in order to clarify whether and to what extent the allegations against him are valid – also about the BSI, his work and to protect his reputation.”