“In places where people can meet each other and see, it may be that the wearing of a protective mask is to be meaningful. But you have to be there, of course, and that’s something we have in Belgium is a little bit strange to have started.” The statements made by virologist is in order, Marc Van Ranst, in the Matter the call to questions. For the past few weeks and remained in the government like to remind you that it was pointless to have surgical masks to wear. A white lie, for in times of shortage?

“I commend all of my colleagues, to facials, to oblige, even if they are self-made. We can see that the Czech republic is one of the important decisions that we have made. And if it can help, it can help you.”

The video message from the Swedish minister of Health and Adam, Vojtech and is not in addition to. With a soft protective mask with squares and one for the mouth, he looks intently at the camera. He was speaking in English, so that the world can be understood. #Masks4All, it is the hashtag that the Czech republic has launched.

Why this recommendation is there in the us?

“We’re living in such odd times that I do not dare to say that we are never going to do it,” says infectiologe Erika Vlieghe of the UZ Antwerpen, which is the government’s advice, in the Event . “But it’s true: we should not require that we do not have it. And we have to have those masks still don’t.”

“If you have an infinite supply, you might find you have things to do,” says the virologist is in order, Mark Van Ranst. “But what if there were no masks are, they’re not going to do magic for the people to go to it.”

the government has lied about the use of surgical masks?

you can have The peace of communication, it was clearly intended to ensure that people in surgical masks were going to subscribe at a time when the hospitals and the physicians they need. However, there are sound scientific reasons for this. For the healthy man in the street, there is not much benefit of a protective mask in the first place, to protect other people if you yourself are infected,” says Van Gucht. “This is a mask that drops are spread by coughing, sneezing, and talking about it.”

in Belgium, the rule is that people who are ill should stay at home. “And if you do not know may be infected, and no symptoms, then it is likely that others will be infected with a lot less,” said Marc Van Ranst.

I’ll be better still in a protective mask to wear?

the Workshop spoedarts Luc Beaucourt, and Brussels infectioloog, Jean-Luc Gala, it. “This is the new insights, otherwise, there will be the price to pay for it,” says Beaucourt. Steven Van Gucht, warns against a false sense of security: if you’re less careful with social distance, or, less frequently, hands are being washed and may increase your may reduce the chance of contamination. And also, if you put them in the wrong way, or uitdoet, you may find yourself inflicted.

“On the street, it does not make any sense,” says Van Ranst. “In places where people can meet each other and meet, it could make sense, but you’ll have to have it. In places where it is not possible to make up to 1.5 meters away and retain, for example). It can also be useful, and there are also. And if you are anxious to feel without a mouth mask, you can be sure to have one to wear. It is at least good for the brain.”

In which countries is it mandatory?

The world health organization continue to say that the surgical masks are only recommended for those who have a compromised patient care or anyone who regularly needs to cough or sneeze. However, the Chinese virologist is in order, George Gao, who is in Wuhan to be responsible for the control of the disease, he said in an interview with the Science Magazine – Europe and the united states, it is also to require it to do.

In Slovakia, Bulgaria and the Czech republic are surgical masks required. Austria introduced a commitment on the part of those who go to the supermarket.

in the Czech republic, and dispersed, with the support of the government, or even a video. Containing highly recommend them to others in order for the measure to carry out.

The video is from the Czech republic is a Video: YouTube.

There we are, there must be enough medical staff?

No, the situation is still precarious. There are, according to the prime minister, Philippe De Backer, head of the competent task force, a 23-million surgical masks are provided, and there are already 17 million will be divided. There is an order for 15 million of the masks.

However, in a number of hospitals, the situation is still precarious. Sure, FFP2 masks with built-in filter, which has a higher level of protection, there is a shortage. Because hospitals are given priority, there are deficits in psychiatric facilities.

“the recently-delivered FFP2-surgical masks, it is not only intended for the psychiatric hospitals,” says Carl Oosterlinck, managing director at Brothers of Charity, which is the 11 psychiatric facilities in Belgium operates. There are an average of the two adopted, and four of the suspected contamination by the centre. But there may be more, because it is difficult for the patients to infections in the future. “We are threatening them in many cases are vulnerable to having to deal with”, says.

How do you get such a mask, is correct to wear them?

“you have the mask on you, you should get your hands thoroughly washed,” says the recommendations of the world health organization. “Cover your nose and mouth to make sure there are no gaps between the face and the mask. Do not touch the mask while you are wearing it. If you do, wash your hands. Replace the mask whenever it is moist, and re-use of disposable masks does not. To make the mask and tap the face of the mask is not on and leave the past behind. Dispose of it immediately in a sealed container, and wash your hands with alcoholgel, or with soap-and-water.”

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