well-Known Russian producer Joseph Prigogine expressed his opinion about sent him “gumanitarka” in the form of instant noodles.

Prigogine has described as a provocation a message saying that the party “Communists of Russia” has sent him and his wife Valerie “humanitarian aid” in the form of several packs of instant noodles “Doshirak” after complaints that the figures of the Russian show-business was in dire financial Straits.

“I don’t even understand what was going on. All I ask, and I don’t know. What kind of humanitarian aid what is humanitarian aid, so believe me, I do not know” — said Prigogine in an interview with “Fifth channel”.

however, he complained that in this story, he “took the fall”. He stressed that only pointed out the truth and tried to protect the musicians, and the assistance that nobody asked for.

a Day earlier, commented in an interview with “Evening Moscow” why, as well as singers Nikolai Baskov and Irina Allegrova filed with the tax service documents to obtain support for their companies. We are talking about the payment of 12 thousand rubles, which corresponds to the minimum wage, per employee.

Read more: “Prigogine explained why with Baskov asked for money from the state.”