Mikhail Mishustin announced that he had gone to the isolation due to infection with coronavirus. The tests yielded positive results.
In the Internet began to spread rumors that his illness is staged in order to scare potential offenders of the regime before the may holidays.
Vladimir Pozner surprised at such a question.
“I am familiar with Mr. Mishustin, I don’t think he can be the protagonist of this play. If the disease is actually invented to reason with people, then I fully support it. Here it is all good”, – quotes the words of the master of journalism StarHit.
Vladimir Putin is outraged by the irresponsible attitude of some citizens to the problem of life in the mode of limitations.
The fact that violators risk not only their own health and the health of their loved ones.
“They threaten our health care system, which will choke in the case of explosive growth of cases, they will force doctors to resolve the issue of who to give oxygen, and someone to choke and die because it will not be enough ventilation,” said Posner.
As previously wrote “the Rambler”, the journalist Vladimir Pozner supports the measures taken by the Russian authorities in a situation with the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. He said this on his website.