“It is not a mail from us.”

Many cynical fraudsters are trying in these corona-times to lure the danes to press on various links, and now warns the police against a new specific email that is in circulation.

It informs the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police on Twitter.

‘Information: There is an email in circulation ‘About coronavirus/COVID-19′, where the sender is shown as being the police. This is not a mail sent from us. For information,’ they write.

In the email it is described, what the Health strategy, which added up to, to read more about the authorities ‘ new measures in the fight against coronavirus.

All you need to do is to click on the link. But it’s a fake mail.

B. T. has previously described how a sea of scammers via email, sms and even calls trying to cheat the Danish citizens to tap on links and sharing personal information.

the Warnings about the scam have also come into en masse through the app ‘My Digital Self-defense’, which is operated in a cooperation between the Consumer council Think and TrygFonden.