the Idol of “freedom-loving” audience, the main opponent of the FSB, the billionaire Pavel Durov, broke the audience’s brain. And took zagudel the same tune with our MPs and the President. Said that it is time to end the monopoly of Apple and Google — in fact, supported the Russian law on the preset domestic software gadgets.
it is Worth Recalling that this same law was submitted to the Duma a year ago. In November, adopted by the lower house of Parliament and approved by the Federation Council and then signed by President Vladimir Putin.
the Law since its appearance provoked a storm of criticism. For example, the Association of trading companies and manufacturers of consumer electronic and computer equipment (RATEK) even wrote a letter to the deputies. Like, you can not “bend” our Western partners – manufacturers of devices on iOS and other closed operating systems may leave the Russian market. And indeed machinery will rise. In RATEK includes, by the way, Apple and Google. But they at least were more or less reasonable concern for their commercial interests arguments. The simpler the audience became hysterical from fright that they may lose their beloved iPhones. They say Apple is not presets for their products third-party applications will leave the market and so we will have to go for gadgets in the neighboring country. (China, however, Apple has caved in.) Anyway, who needs the app? We’re all developers are inept.
In November, 2019 at the conclusion of the BRICS summit in Brasilia, Putin tried to explain the meaning of the law: “We are keen to create the best conditions for the development of this sector in Russia is extremely important for us as a whole.” That is, to make “without prejudice to our foreign partners… to ensure its security”. A little later, was made by Dmitry Peskov: “It is absolutely not similar to the word “retreating”. This is identical, probably, the word “antitrust activity”. But what’s the point…
But then suddenly happened to Pavel Durov: “Russian anti-monopoly service yet shows interest in Apple in the context of PE of Russian apps on its smartphones. This lack of action…”. In his opinion, the state should “require at least Apple to preinstall its own alternative application stores”. The same applies to Google.
the fact that, according to Durov, the two companies have created a duopoly in the market. Apple requires all developers of applications that are hosted in the AppStore, pay her 30% from the sale of any digital services. Looks behaves and Google. These companies are not invested in developers of third-party applications, but only cut the money from them. The result is startups just bent. And if the situation does not change, users will continue to pay for applications on 30% more, and the government “will continue to wonder why, despite the comfortable tax regime and abundance of talent in their countries there is a full-fledged counterparts in Silicon valley.”
it is Clear that the capitalist Durov fighting for their interests with a monopoly on the market. But it turns out that he stands to the side of our statesmen, and offers to act the same way. So, not everything proposed by the Russian state — a priori bad? Not every brain could take it.
Here, by the way, the President of Russia on the outcome of the recent meeting gave instructions to the government to provide (and quickly — up to August) extension of the “measures to support innovative startups in the field of information and communication technologies”.
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