Carrie – passport and ethical development is still a selfish teenager, but already a student at Harvard. Because Prodigy: is the men’s shirt, unable to distinguish left from right zipper, can easily take the square root of 6023 and already knows that Hans Christian Andersen died without love and children. She just doesn’t want to, and she throws all his superior intellect to master the art of not dying alone. With the help of his therapist (Nathan lane) is the action plan and proceeds to business.

the film is Directed by Susan Johnson, in principle, the producer, but when the movie flooded the attacking wave of feminism, I thought, why not become the Director? She finds congenial novel writer Karen Lissner and adapts it into a kind of soap Opera, but for the big screen. “Carrie” is her first feature film.

it was not as easy as it seems. Dialogues in prose which could be an expression of the author’s style and artistic delights, with screen sound literary cliches: the heroine is expressed eloquently, but it and its originality. The girl-child Prodigy on the screen nothing particularly clever is not concerned and thinks only what I think everyone in the world girls Chicks. That is to debut in your female nature, using ads in a cheap tabloid-the pimp. And always zaparivatsya equally prominent intellectuals, and even handsome, but with only one drawback- they have of the bride. The interest in them disappears immediately: on such later hunt – they have been caught. And we understand: a girl with principles.

the Gap between the claims of authors to show outstanding intelligence, character and their “sitcommy” ideas about the behavior of graduates of Harvard first guards (can’t be, this is too much!), and then dumbfounded (we were born to make Kafka come true). Get a girl cumbersome principles replace life. That is pathologically stupid girl. Her intelligence is reflected in the fact that she is constantly rude to her appearing on the horizons of men. “I love you, you jerk!” – the most delicate, that it is possible to hear from her. Comes this complex, mysterious nature, before which all around for some reason fawn all owe her excuses, all her owe something. She’s talkative and shameless, hears only himself and is doing just that and then when she got it into his head. Centropomus – its engine, its creed, its essence. In her childlike wide-open eyes can not read nothing but stubborn anger. But if calling something does not please her lover, she smacketh cell phone on the sidewalk. That is what a true Prodigy.

As it is now seduced in the female movie, strong floor is weak and indistinct, the heroine treat him as a necessary evil, ins��the instrument to quench your sexual thirst and tablet from loneliness.

it is Clear that in such a relevant film can not zip and shadow movements #MeToo: a young University Professor (Colin O’donoghue) put on Carrie’s eyes, she willingly climbed into his bed – and now thinks to blame if it harrasment or spare. “I thought he will appreciate me!” – sadly confessed to his loving dad (Gabriel Byrne), who arrived to her from London, to hear another “I hate you”. And disgusting, like the intellectual shamelessly stage of the search, both breaking in to his apartment, despite the audience for Christmas guests.

As you know, the characters can’t be smarter than the authors who invented them – all characters in their own way to Express their second, an undercurrent of “I”. Probably we have the same case. Although this is a cute Christmas thing, by mistake flown in our June hot Internet.