How was the experiment? Sophomore studying engineering direction “mechanical engineering” and “construction” were divided into three groups. The first trained person (the study took place before the transfer of the universities to udalenku), the second was watching the lecture online and attend face-to-face workshops (blended format), and the third had mastered the entire course online, communicating with teachers on the forum. Those guys that had online training, studied the course of the Ural Federal University hosted the national platform for open education.
we Evaluated all three groups equally. Watched learned the educational material (written exam) which was evaluation in the learning process and how students like to learn.
it Turned out that in all three knowledge groups “missed” in the minds equally well. However, students who dropped distance education, was slightly smaller than the other is satisfied by the learning process. According to experts, the fact that not enough experience and the necessary skills, first and foremost, time management – the ability to correctly allocate their time.
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an Important conclusion: when teaching online universities save up to 80 percent of the funds, even with the cost of development and support of online courses.
– high-Quality online courses is no longer a second-rate way of learning, – said the head of research, senior researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and associate researcher at the HSE’s Institute of education, Igor Chirikov. They shape students ‘ competence is not worse than full-time employment.
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According to the researchers now it is especially important to invest in advanced online platforms, interactive online content, develop new teaching methods. This will allow not only to expand the access to quality education without significant cost, but will also help you to prepare for different emergency situations such as the current pandemic of coronavirus.
– Now in Russia, as in other countries, an ongoing natural experiment on the use of online learning formats, adds study co-author, researcher, Center for sociology of higher education, HSE Tatiana Semenova. We experimented only on engineering courses but the mass transition to online will allow to assess whether this format is effective for other areas, particularly socio-economic and humanitarian. It could be a real test of strength.