the Film “Child of weather” made even the one after Hayao Miyazaki, the magician Japanese anime Makoto Xingkai, and this is his second ambitious project after a triumphant film of 2017 “Your name”, which became allegedly the highest grossing anime in the story. And this is again the picture is not addressed to pre-school, and already quite Mature teenagers that have entered into the age of love and know the taste of erotic dreams. Here is a very serious, detailed and ornate like the “adult” movie, designed plays, and some of the terms of this age are not designed for children’s delicate ear. The inevitable love story eternal flair of whimsical romanticism combined with the very modern, utilitarian, even cynical approach to magic gift of the goddess. Finding each other, two lovers is very prudent to use this gift for earnings: arrange Sunny weather for weddings and rolled over Tokyo torrential monsoon rains favour them here – people are yearning for the sun and are willing to pay money for it.

Generally, the weather is the third main character of the film. Weather, rebel against violence, which commit over the nature of civilization – in the history of “Sunny girl” reflected the current concerns of environmentalists, and in this motif, the film is almost as pathetic and symbolic, like an angry Greta Thunberg. Image immersed in the primeval vortices Tokyo – the strong pantheistic paintings, the raging elements cast significant part of the action. Xingkai environment pays particular attention to: it is not only Tokyo skyscrapers, street canyons and advertising polygany, but Tokyo rusted bridges and dilapidated buildings of factory type, Tokyo tramps and policemen who are very surprised when they say that their task is not to hunt people and to protect them. The picture is based on contrasts: the gloomy paint of the impounded water element of the metropolis – vivid and jubilant tone of the rare Sunny days, artificially created by the heroine of the film and therefore at any moment ready to go out, reminding us of the fragility and frailty of happiness.

cityscapes forced to think about the photorealism in the animation, if not quite cosmetic characters: a little grotesque, some highlighted sloppy, as if infantile, why a sixteen year old Teens seem to be very much a children. But they have to go through are not for children (not for kids) misadventures in the course of going and guns, and handcuffs, and the temptations of the cheap wages in questionable establishments where, in fact, they will see each other for the first time. The film is not that spicy eroticism, which is spilled in the film “the House at 7 cherry lane” successful colleague Makoto of Xingkai Hong Kong animator Welfare. In this sense, it even seemed sterile: the minds of teenagers are looking for a place to hide under��I’m behind storm clouds the sun, hands – conductor’s manipulation of the weather, my legs – constant flight from the authorities, and love them more spiritual and sacrificial. When the Japanese Juliette already thoroughly weary back-breaking work on dispersal of clouds, and showers become catastrophic, it in fact goes to death, fulfilling the wish of a loved one. The rest of the scene is given to the search for a distraught Hockaday his Hina (here the film takes on the energy of a good action) and transcendental reunion of the lovers. Which, however, drowns out disturbing the natural melody of the Apocalypse that threaten mankind unreasonable.

Japanese anime is a separate planet that have little in common with disney as healing for the soul with cuteness, and with the mechanistic rigidity of the talented products of Pixar. It’s always a strange combination of magic, meticulously crafted realism with madness knows no restraint fantasies. Figure slim, sophisticated elegant, fanned by warm human hands. Tiny, on the scale of our ball, the Japanese island set in the natural elements so tightly that do not exist in isolation from all of these monsoons and tsunamis, volcanic tremors and squally winds. Therefore, the imagination of the creators of the anime are controlled by powerful natural forces like gods, having fun, playing with people in a deadly game. And people to survive, so it is important to find common language with them.