Forecasters warn of worsening weather. From 10:00 to 21:00 Wednesday, July 8, rain is expected, sometimes strong, hail and rain.

wind Gusts could reach 15-20 meters per second. This may damage power lines, roof and glazing of buildings. Pedestrians are advised to stay away from rickety structures and trees.

May be complicated by the situation on the roads. Drivers should be especially careful to abide by traffic rules and not to make sudden maneuvers. Machine it is better to put in garages and covered Parking.

security Rules: how to behave during a strong wind.

to Report the accumulation of water in round-the-clock Central dispatching service of Mosvodostok, leaving the application to challenge teams on the phone: +7 (495) 657-87-03.

you Can also contact:

in the district Council (contact information is on the site Council);

— in the Prefecture County (contact information is on the site of the Prefecture);

— in a single control center on the phone: +7 (495) 539-53-53.

you can Also complain through the portal “Our city” or the hotline of the Association of administrative and technical inspection offices by calling by phone: +7 (499) 264-96-81.