“We will have a clear plan from the government and the Danish Health and medicines authority now.”

A clear statement from the director in the Older Case, Bjarne Hastrup, who does not believe that you can wait much longer on a concrete plan for the elderly under the coronakrisen.

Especially not after forperson for the european UNION, Ursula von der Leyen, on Sunday said to the German newspaper BILD, that it probably ends with, that the elderly must be kept in isolation until 2021.

“I think, that it here very much do, we must ask the government draw up a clear plan – both short-term and long-term,” says Bjarne Hastrup, en B. T. talking with him, and continues:

“It is know to be especially necessary now, when there are so many different opinions.”

Right now it stretches the government’s genåbningsplan forward to 10. may, and have no concrete answer as to what should be done with the older part of the population.

There is gone over a month ago Mette Frederiksen at a news conference Denmark closed down. A month, where over a million danes included in the older age group, have been more or less isolated. Or confined, as Bjarne Hastrup call it.

“And you are older and isolated, then one can be lonely and in worst case develop a depression,” he says.

Bjarne Hastrup is particularly concerned for the elderly who are dependent on close proximity and motion.

“Especially those who live in nursing homes are those who are unable to care for themselves – and in particular people with dementia – are affected. They need close contact with either family or volunteers home companions,” he says.

For even if it now rushes with volunteers who are willing to visit the elderly, so it is not possible for the Elderly Matter to send them out to plejehjemmene. They have closed down for the visit.

at the same time, for many elderly, which can be disabled, hard to get the necessary exercise.

“If you are sitting in a chair or lying in a bed in more than a week, so losing 20 percent of his muscle mass, and it may mean that førligheden will be affected,” says the director of the Older Case.

The lack of contact can also mean that people with dementia are udadreagerende, which is not appropriate, explains Bjarne Hastrup.

He believes very strongly that one should put extra staff into plejehjemmene, that can help older people see their family members and caregivers through, for example, video calls.

“of course, We agree with the national board of Health recommendations, but we need to consider what we need to do with the people here, that goes to lack of exercise, and go to solitude,” says Bjarne Hastrup.