In Aleksandrovsk of the Murmansk region (the city has the status of a closed administrative-territorial formations) officials posted in social networks photos with fishing. This caused discontent among local residents, because the sea boat trip took place during the regime of self-isolation, in which access to the sea for boats is limited.

As specified, photos posted the assistant head of administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk Ekaterina Zhigalova. IA “Severest” with reference to local residents reported that officials were fishing from a boat Ministry.

In turn, the head of the city administration Simon Kaurov explained that officials in the sea is not amused, and carried out assignments: checked, as residents observe quarantine restrictions. Zhigalova was part of the reviewer, but “pictures posted is not true and not in a timely manner”. This fact will be an official audit, said the head of administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.