On October 9th, a new state parliament will be elected in Lower Saxony. If you are not yet sure who to vote for, you can use Wahl-O-Mat to find out more. You can try it here from now on.
The Wahl-O-Mat for the state elections in Lower Saxony is online. FOCUS Online is the media partner of the Federal Agency for Civic Education and can offer the tool for you here.
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As a user, you can answer 38political theses with “agree”, “neutral”, “disagree” or skip the point.
The Wahl-O-Mat works by comparing the user’s answers with the answers of the participating parties. At the end, it is calculated which parties come closest to the user’s ideas.
The result is even more precise if the user selects theses that are particularly important to him before the final evaluation. These theses are weighted twice. If all theses seem equally important to you, you can also skip this point. You can then select multiple parties to compare your positions with.
At the end, the tool shows how closely your own opinion agrees with the positions of these parties. The party with the highest agreement does not necessarily have to be the one whose supporter you are: the result simply means that this party answered the theses in a similar way to yours.
Very important: The result is not an election recommendation, the whole thing is a non-partisan offer that is intended to offer voters orientation.
A specific election strategy, on the other hand, is not taken into account: If, for example, you want to help a specific candidate into office with your two crosses, the Wahl-O-Mat will not be able to help you with the decision.
You can read more about the state elections in Lower Saxony on the topic page.