told reporters Andrei Travnikov, the party presented its candidates almost 5 thousand seats. “We are closing 96 percent of the election campaigns”.

– We intend to solve people’s problems. “United Russia” is not seeking to take only the most attractive seats in the legislative Assembly or the city Council. We are not afraid to hear and solve the problems in the most remote corners of the Novosibirsk region”, – said the Governor of Novosibirsk.

According to the Chairman of Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk region Andrei Shymkiv, the party’s program reflected the electors assembled in the district of Novosibirsk region.

– Thanks to the mandates in this work is the involvement of almost all people. This is local government because people decide for themselves what to do in the first place. They can control the whole process: the government, and deputies of all levels. We can make life on the territory of the Novosibirsk region better and more comfortable only with the involvement of all citizens in the region, he stressed.

an Active role in the election campaign and subsequent implementation of the program of the party will play and social activists, said the Deputy of the state Duma Alexander Karelin.

– We understand that and those who do not associate their future with the election, must also be involved in the process, in active life, – said the MP.

Thus, the July 31 election Commission of the Novosibirsk region has finished registration of the regional list of candidates of Legislative Assembly of the region, nominated by the unified regional electoral district. In addition to the “United Russia” have undergone this procedure nine more political parties.