Three teenagers hike to a mountain hut in Bavaria and take drugs. When two of them collapse, the mountain rescue service has to arrive.
In Oberaudorf in the Rosenheim district, the mountain rescue service had to go on an unusual rescue operation. Three young people from Munich needed medical help after consuming drugs. As the police announced, the incident occurred on Sunday afternoon at the Brünnsteinhaus, a mountain hut in town.
The young men, aged 15 and 16, behaved suspiciously around the hut and jumped around screaming loudly. What initially seemed harmless quickly took a serious turn when two of the young people’s circulation collapsed, as the “Oberbayerisches Volksblatt” reports.
“Together with police forces and the emergency doctor from Heli 3, we were able to help three young hikers who were no longer able to get down after consuming narcotics. Two of them were taken to the helicopter with the mountain stretcher and the emergency medical vehicle and flown to the hospital under emergency medical supervision,” the Oberaudorf mountain rescue service describes the operation on Instagram.
The exact circumstances of the collapse are still unclear. Which drugs the young people had consumed is also still the subject of the police investigation.
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